Natalie Brickley

Full-Stack Web Developer

About Me

profile picture

I earned my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the University of California San Diego. Having an extensive background in Mathematics, my ability to think strategically and  analytically is one of my greatest assets. Pardon the pun, but it is how I have been "programmed" to think.

Aside from web development, I enjoy playing Hearthstone and participating in local Hearthstone tournaments. I also enjoy spending time with my two cats, Raven and Leeroy. Thank you so much for visiting my website!


(To view my Resume, click here)

Front End

  • Javascript / ES6
  • React / React Native
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • jQuery icon jQuery
  • bootstrap icon Bootstrap

Back End

  • api logo API
  • json icon JSON
  • Node.js
  • express js logo Express.js
  • mysql logo MySQL
  • mongodb logo MongoDB

Team Player

Communication is a key aspect of any collaboration. Thus, when working with others I always make sure that communication is a top proiority. Everyone has a unique quality that they bring to the team, and it is important to make sure that each voice is heard.


My experience with Web Development thus far has been gained from a combination of working as a Front End Development intern at Occuspace, attending the coding bootcamp offered by the University of California San Diego Extension, as well as continual self-learning. My strong desire to learn has allowed me to gain a deep understanding of coding skills and has prepared me for my career as a Full Stack Developer.



Elite 4

Description: Pokemon fan site

Technologies: Bootstrap, MongoDB, Express, React, Node, Canvas,



Description: Recipe platform

Technologies: Bootstrap, MySQL, Handlebars, API, Node, Express

KNA Music

KNA Music

Description: Concert search engine

Technologies: Javascript, Bootstrap, jQuery, localStorage, firebase, API


Mongo Scraper

Description: Get, save & delete articles

Technologies: MongoDB, Node, Express, Handlebars, Cheerio, Axios

Clickity Cat

Clickity Cat

Description: Memory game

Technologies: React, Bootstrap, JSON

Friend Finder

Friend Finder

Description: Compatibility app

Technologies: Node, Express, JSON, Bootstrap

Trivia Game

Trivia Game

Description: Golden Girls Quiz

Technologies: Bootstrap, JavaScript, Jquery

Google Books Search

Google Books Search

Description: Book search engine powered by Google Books API

Technologies: React, React Router DOM, MongoDB/Mongoose, Node, Express, Google Books API


Below are the best ways to contact me:

Email Github Facebook LinkedIn